Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Post 9: Situated Learning and Culture

Today we discussed Situated Learning Theory in which one learns how to act within a specific group/community. There are 3 parts to this theory: 1) Social construction (the truth is what people collectively decide together to be the truth), 2) communities of practice (places where learning happens, learning happens constantly, meaning, practice, community & identity//share a common goal, shared repertoire & mutual engagement) and 3) competent and peripheral legitimate participants.

To better understand this theory, we applied this material by looking at different classroom settings. We also examined Batman and Robin to see how batman is the master of the skill and Robin strives to be the master by working with Batman. Finally we noted how our own experience at DIS applied. As Americans, we were on the outside/legitimate peripheral participation at the beginning of the session. Nearing the end of session 1, we are closer to the center/full participation. 

1 comment:

  1. Great summary of the Situational Learning Theory. I like dhow you used examples at the end to tie everything together!
